Q: Why is the blog entitled kapuu!?
A: If you're following the manga series Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle or have seen the Anime adaptation of it, you will find out that the word kapuu is the word uttered by one of its characters, Mokona Modoki which is my favorite, before the main characters travel to another dimension. So let's just say that when I want to express something, I say kapuu! before I go to another dimension. Does that make sense?
Q: So why does migg.the.voyager write here in kapuu!?
A: It's just simple, I have no friends. Haha! Just joking. It's just that sometimes we aren't comfortable enough to say some things to other people and that's why we prefer to express them in different ways.
Q: Who is migg.the.voyager?
A: Well, you are totally in the wrong page if you want your question answered. LOL. Might as well see the details on the sidebar of the blog, if you don't mind. That's it, no more, no less.